There are plenty of stories out there about dogs saving humans. They can save humans, from drowning, from other humans who want to harm us, or from other wild animals.

But sometimes these furry heroes don’t need incredible swimming or fighting abilities to rescue us. All they need to give out is their unconditional love.

Cheesy as it may sound to the average person, this love from pups means the whole world to a lot of people. Like Army Specialist Tyler Mosley.

Tyler was deployed in Syria, and despite his love for our country, he started to feel depressed during his deployment, but then he met Daisy.

Daisy was a stray puppy who was brought in by another soldier from Tyler’s unit. She was found next to her dead sibling.

Tyler’s captain asked if anyone was willing to take care of Daisy and take her home if not, they will have to release her,
which would ultimately mean, she will end up like her sibling.

Tyler did not hesitate to step forward and take the puppy under his wing. He gave her food, water, and most importantly, companionship.

Daisy was lucky Tyler wanted her because if she was released, she would’ve ended up like her sibling. She had nobody to look after her, and living in a conflict zone, her chances of survival were slim to none.

But what Daisy didn’t know is that she was actually saving Tyler too. Her new dad was starting to feel homesick and depressed.

But since she came into his life, his depression went away. Having Daisy in his life gave him a semblance of normal life, and that’s what makes this story beautiful because they basically saved each other.

Daisy had to travel 6,000 miles on a plane from Syria to Iraq, to Germany, and finally to New York. When Tyler saw his baby’s carrier at the airport, he couldn’t even wait to open it up so that he can give her a big hug. When she got out, she gave Tyler lots of kisses and love. They were separated for three months, but finally, Daisy was home.

Credits: USA TODAY


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