Puppy Training

As much as you like to play with your new puppy, you have to train him some essential skills. Training helps strengthen the bond between a pet and its owner. It will also make your life as a fur parent more manageable.

Using a crate

Training your puppy to love the crate is very important. He should be familiar with it and feel at home in it. This will also make it easier for you to train your pup other skills later on. The crate allows you to be more efficient in keeping your pup up to his schedule.

To train your pooch to use a crate, reward him every time he goes inside it. You can give him treats or feed him from the crate. This way, your pup will get to associate the crate with good (and yummy) things.

The bathroom rules

House training is one of the crucial things a responsible owner must do. Make sure to be firm with your beloved pup on where he is allowed to relieve himself.

Walking on a leash

dog, puppy, yard

Training your puppy to walk on a leash can be quite tricky, especially if he is one cheerful, overactive youngster. However, you should be patient and consistent with training your dog. You will find it hard to walk your dog outside and let him socialize if he keeps on trying to get off the leash.

How to socialize

Socialization is also important for pets. Helping your dog socialize while he is young will help build his confidence. It will also help him to be friendlier to other dogs and strangers. Without enough socialization skills, your dog might get agitated every time he is outside.

How to sit

Learning how to sit is not just a fun trick but a very useful skill. When your dog is trained to sit on your command, it will be easier for you to make him stay in place. This is especially useful if there are visitors in your house and your dog wants to jump on them.

Not to bite

While your dog is still young, do not encourage his chewing or biting habit. Pups like chewing and biting a lot especially when their teeth are starting to come out.

If he bites too hard, be vocal about it to let him know you are hurt. You can do this by yelping in a high-pitched tone. When your pup listens, do not forget to give him a treat as a reward. Never scream at or punish your puppy as this might encourage this bad habit.

Not to chew the furniture

Coming home to a piece of chewed furniture definitely will not please you. As surely you do not want this to happen, teach your puppy what things he can and can’t chew on. Give your pup some chew treats, particularly those dental treats that will also help in keeping your pup’s teeth and gums healthy. Don’t give your puppy an old sock to gnaw on, as this will make him think that it is okay to nibble on socks.


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