Just like how human differs on learning styles and preferences, dogs differ in personalities as well. These different kinds of personality affect a dog’s learning and training capability. Although basic commands such as sit, stay and come are taught effectively in a rewards-based environment, some complicated tricks and behavioral training aspect can be catered to approach more suited to the personality of the dog. TheseĀ Dogs are more responsive if their house rules involve leadership, firmness, and consistency. In this article, you’ll read about the general types of personalities a dog may possess, and what similar training approach should work best for them.

Sensitive dogs

These dogs learn adequately fast and very adept to what their environment is. They know their owners very well, like how they see the back of their paws and correcting their behavioral issue won’t be a fuss as a firm and forceful approach to it does the trick. Too much praise, like a forced one, can rattle and question your motives. A peaceful, calm and quiet environment is a possible place for training and teaching. Since they are susceptible, physical affection like soft cuddle, back rubs, and gentle pats. Because they are very attuned to their respective owners, training and teaching them house boundaries rules and tricks won’t be a fuss. Just a reminder, however, since these dogs are sensitive, yelling, shouting, striking or any form of painful interaction with them will result in a fearful, shy or withdrawn dog. Chaotic and noisy environments are not suitable for raising these dogs. Some dog breeds that possess sensitive characteristics are Border Collies, German Shepherd, and toy breeds.


These dogs are compared to some of your friends that are very spontaneous and very outgoing. Dogs that have these characteristics are solid as they can quickly get up and bounce back whenever faced with a tough circumstance. For owners that are still a novice regarding handling a dog, dogs that possess this attitude are suited for them. Dogs like these are great family dogs as they can thrive in a house where children run frantically around while screaming or in a home with senior couple residing. Concerning training strategy to be applied with them, direct and firm approach to obtain results that will be repeated over time for them to get or understand what is expected. Since they can get quickly used to and adapt to a specific situation, changing it up can shake them.

The artists

Like artists, they tend to be distracted and getting their attention back will be a hurdle. Clear communication of expectations should be enforced to these dogs because if not, they’ll gladly make their own rules and follow directions up to their heart’s content. The alpha dog approach works best with them as this method sticks to a firm, strict and confident way of teaching them. Let them obey you from time to time or let them work to obtain something such as food, such as playtime and cuddles.


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